Baby E | In-Home Pittsburgh Newborn

In the story of your life, bringing home baby is the ultimate plot twist.

The pages are fast, and fierce, and slow, and gentle. They are sweet and bitter, empowering and humiliating. The best of times, and the worst of times. The age of Google Wisdom and practical foolishness. The season of light, and the season of darkness.

It has all the right elements: there is the rising action of preparing for this next chapter, and a climax of realizing that no matter how much you prepared for this chapter, nothing could prepare you for this chapter.

It becomes a choose your own adventure where the pathways are infinite and perplexing and overwhelming. And you do your fair share of stumbling around and trying to keep your fingers in several different pages so you can go back and try something new the next time around when baby won’t stop screaming at 2 am. 

But you learn. You grow. You adapt. You embrace the contradictions that define those early days— the light and the dark, the beauty and the pain, the right and the wrong. And you write your way forward, together. 

This is why lifestyle newborn sessions speak so powerfully to me as a photographer and mama myself. Being invited into a brand new family, to witness and document this incredible time in their life is such an honor. I get to meet families like Lauren and Nathan, who together with baby Ezra are writing the most beautiful next chapter in their lives. 

And while this chapter will seem to crawl and fly by all at once, this session is a bookmark. An opportunity to flip back, to a time when everything was new and uncertain, both precious and wild. To visit on dark and stormy nights, and to snuggle up on the couch and share again and again when Ezra wants to hear his favorite bedtime story— tell me again, what was I like when I was little? 

Once upon a time, little one…

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